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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

Knights of the Realm: Thailand's Military and Police Then and Now

Chambers, Paul; Knights of the Realm: Thailand’s Military and Police, Then and Now
Represent the first systematic account of the political history of Thailand’s security sector and the main actors involved. The military and police find their legitimacy through law, a safeguarding of monarchy, or a more ambiguous protection of national security ̶̶ ̶̶ NATION, RELIGION, MONARCHY, PEOPLE.
Thailand is a country with over 30 coups and coup attempts since the 1932 revolution which ended the absolute monarchy. As the last direct military putsch occurred as recently as in 2006, security sector involvement in politics is clearly not a thing of the past. Ambiguous laws and spiraling budgets continue to give the security services enormous influence. Ultimately, political machinations by the armed forces and police cannot afford to be ignored if one really wants to understand Thai politics.
With these considerations in mind, the chapters in this edited volume address various questions. Among them are the following:

  • How did the military and police evolve to be what they are today?
  • How are they organized?
  • What is their role in internal and border security?
  • What is their role in counter insurgency in the South?
  • What is their role in internal developments?
  • What is their political role today and what might be their role in the future?
  • What differences are there in the military regarding the issue of Thaksin Shinawatra?
  • Who is who in Thailand’s military and police?
  • What is the status of the security sector in southern Thailand today?
And in the final analysis :
  • How dose Thailand effectively institutionalize civilian control over the military and police?


USD 46.50

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USD$ 40.00

PUBLISHER: White Lotus Press
ISBN: 9789744801982
AUTHOR Chambers, Paul
RELEASED 2013-01-12
PRINT Bangkok, 2013
WL CODE E22678
SIZE 738 pp., 35 pp., illus, 150 x 215 mm,


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