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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

Three Pagodas: A Journey Down the Thai-Burmese Border

A Journey Down the Thai-Burmese Border is an account of a remarkable 1,500 km journey through the mountainous jungle of the Thai-Burmese border, from Chiang Dao in the north to the Three Pagodas Pass in the south. The book describes what it is like to make one’s way through this remote troubled terrain, inhabited by insurgent guerrilla groups, warlords, drug traffickers, hill tribes, and rare minority peoples. With an eye for the telling minutiae of travel and the poetry of the moment, the author provides a snapshot of the way of life of these peoples, recording the impact on them of the far-reaching changes sweeping Thailand at the turn of the millennium. Here the reader rubs shoulders with Chinese KMT refugees, striking Padaung “long-neck” and Kayaw “long-ear” women, the dwindling ancient Lawa race, a jungle demigod and the last Wa king, or visits mysterious “Spirit Well”, Karen rebel GHQ in Burma, and “Death Highway”... The travelogue culminated in a 2-week trailblazing adventure through 200 kms of unmapped jungle from Urn Pang to the famous Three Pagodas. Written in an evocative anecdotal style and enlivened by the often-absurd humor of the situation, the story is supported by 30 personally researched maps, exemplary in-depth cultural / historical accounts, and 75 stunning photographs. For armchair traveler and traveler on the ground alike, Three Pagodas looks set to remain the definitive description of a complex fascinating region for many more years. This second revised & expanded edition preserves the original text, but updates the story and politico-cultural position chapter-by-chapter in a series of postscripts, at the same time adding much new material. Redoing the journey wherever possible, the author took fresh photographs, actualized the maps, and gathered travel information for readers wishing to retrace parts of the expedition.

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USD$ 32.50

PUBLISHER: White Lotus
ISBN: 9780952738343
AUTHOR Goodden, Christian
RELEASED 2006-03-18
PRINT Bangkok 2001,
WL CODE E22286
SIZE 307 pp., 24 pp. illus., 12 pp. in col., 145 x 255 mm


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