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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

Siam's Rural Economy under King Chulalongkorn

This dissertation by Prince Dilok Nabarath, Prince of Siam, son of HM King Chulalongkorn and Chao Chom Manda Dibakesorn of Chiang Mai, was submitted at the University of Tübingen, Germany. The book covers virtually every aspect of the agricultural base of Thailand’s economy at the turn of the previous century. The reforms in the legal status of various classes of slaves, serfs, free people, nobles and others are sketched against the background of a farmers’ class producing ever more agricultural produce for export. These exports are discussed in great detail too. The various farming systems to produce the entire gamut of exports from rice to livestock are explained. The efficiency and impediments to production increases are placed in the historical context of the widening communications network of the country. Special attention is paid to supplementary sources of income, many of which are still used today. The geographical framework of farm products is also presented. Prince Dilok concludes his dissertation with enlightened recommendations that are still valid when it comes to misguided development projects, inappropriate donor-enforced macro-economic policies, and the application of capital-intensive technology.

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PUBLISHER: White Lotus
ISBN: 9789747534252
AUTHOR Dilok Nabarath, Prince
RELEASED 2000-03-18
PRINT Bangkok 2000, first English trans. of 1908
WL CODE E22173
SIZE 354 pp., 24 pp. illus., 150 x 210 mm


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