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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

Tropic Gardener, the: Guide to Tropical Plants and their Cultivation

“The Tropic Gardener”, Guide to tropical plants and their cultivation
is a must-have guide for plant lovers and gardeners not only in Thailand
but also for hot-climate gardeners everywhere.
It not only lists, describes and illustrates the most popular species
in Southeast Asia, but explains how to grow them in urban/suburban
locations as well as in conventional settings.
Intended as a practical guide as well as reference book, with Thai as well
as English names.
Ideal to take with you when you visit your local nursery.
Based on the writer’s gardening experience over 16 years and the
compilation of 400 articles, the book contains more than 200 photographic
images, mostly taken by the author.
Section one consists of a series of stimulating essays about aspects of
the gardening from “Space Invaders” to “Horses for Courses”
Section two is plant specific and covers everything from annuals and
aquatics to shrubs, vegetables and palms.

USD 36.50

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USD$ 27.50

PUBLISHER: White Lotus Press
ISBN: 9789748434407
AUTHOR Campbell, Patrick A.C.
RELEASED 2020-05-27
PRINT Bangkok, 2020
WL CODE E22732
SIZE 374 pp., illus. in col, 145 x 210 mm.
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