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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

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Books by Category A-C D-J K-O P-S T-Z

Archaeology of the Mons of Dvaravati
Pierre Dupont’s L’Archéologie mône de Dvāravatī is a pioneering work on the architecture of the Mon kingdom of Dvāravatī and the evolution of the styles in the iconography of the statue of the Buddha. These are based on his exhaustive knowledge of Mon documents and personal involvement in excavating Dvāravatī monuments. His analysis of the evolution of the styles in the Buddha’s iconography follows its development from India to Southeast Asia, identifies Indian prototypes for the Mon Buddha and relates it to the spread of hīnayāna Buddhism. This book, which established a systematic link between the different art and architectural styles of the region, contributes immensely to our knowledge by the methodical manner in which the extremely abundant iconography of a large variety of stone, stucco and bronze statue types is ordered. His analysis is supported by an extensive body of photographs. According to G. Cœdès, this book “is a contribution of the highest order to Indochinese archaeology”. This translation maintains the author’s unique style and meticulous attention to details. Since this book was originally published in 1959, new discoveries and studies have added to our knowledge of the subjects. Extensive notes, references and discussions by other scholars on the new studies update the author’s original thesis. This translation makes it convenient to follow the text and assists in recognizing evolving relationships in styles with additional appendices; annotated architectural plans, figures and plates; an expanded index; revised maps and a new set of recently taken photographs of statues and monuments.
USD 108.00

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PUBLISHER: White Lotus
ISBN: 9789744800930
AUTHOR Dupont, Pierre
RELEASED 2007-06-25
PRINT Bangkok 2007,
WL CODE E22491/1-2
SIZE 366+220 pp., Vol. I, 9 pp. figures, 3 pp. maps, 22 pp. plans, Vol. II, fully illus., 41 pp. in col., 210 x 297 mm


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